DULZURA, Calif. — Homeowners surveyed the damage to the Barrett Junction area after the Border 32 Fire raged through their community.
The fast-moving fire that sparked on Wednesday left 4,438 acres charred.
“It was definitely hard yesterday, not knowing what happened, because I was getting reports saying yes, the house is there, no, the house is gone,” said Emma Gaskin. a homeowner who fought the fire.
Three homes were destroyed along with half-a-dozen outbuildings and dozens of cars. The fire threatened hundreds of homes for a time, but fire crews were able to keep the damage minimized.
“Honestly, I don’t know how our houses was saved. The fire came within a couple of feet,” Gaskin said.
There were losses to animals as Gaskin lost 15 chickens.
“My sisters’ horses were let loose yesterday, and we found out this morning that we did lose one,” Gaskin said.
Some residents are still searching for their animals and starting to take stalk in what is left.
“I feel incredibly lucky to still have our home,” Gaskin said.
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