Telegram introduced its paid subscription service some time back, and now is encouraging people to go for premium subscription plans with added features. Founder Pavel Durov noted that the messaging app was used by various officials in Ukraine and Russia during the war and it only needs a few paid users to cover its costs. He noted that a premium subscription would allow the app to remain funded solely by its users without entertaining third-party advertisements.
On Tuesday, Duroy stated that if only 2.5 to 3 percent of its users sign up for the premium subscription, the company will cover its costs. “This will herald a new, user-centric era in the history of social media services.”, he said.
The rise of messaging apps like Signal and Telegram has been attributed to the increasing concerns about the privacy of users on WhatsApp, which is owned by Meta Platforms. According to its website, Telegram has over 500 million monthly active users.
The paid version of the messaging app, known as Telegram Premium, has started to roll out to its users. It allows users to upload up to 4 GB files, download faster, and convert voice messages into text. In addition to the paid subscription, the company has also introduced a variety of improvements for its users, such as the ones who are not yet signing up for the premium plan. The company noted that it has over 700 million monthly users.
The paid tier will cost $4.99/month. It’s believed that the company will launch the paid version of the app with a country-wise phased approach soon.
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